Yields 2-3lbs rendered fat.  Substitute 1 for 1 in pie crust and tart recipes.  


Set beef fat and water in a dutch oven or heavy pot.  Heat over low flame very slowly until the fat starts to melt.  Continue to heat, stirring occasionally, until all fat has melted.  Alternately, set pot in oven at 170F overnight or for several hours.  The lower the heat you use, the longer it will take but the purer the flavor will be.  At higher heat, any remaining meat particles will caramelize and lend more beefy flavor to the fat.

Once the fat has rendered, strain through a muslin cloth, several layers of cheese cloth, or paper towels.  Refrigerate in a wide, shallow dish until mostly solid.  Cut into chunks (weighing out 1/2lb increments, if you choose) to use in baking later.

Get recipes for making pie crust with your rendered beef fat here.