I’ve been dreaming about latkes for weeks.  Bon Apetit featured a wonderful recipe from Chef Michael Solomonov that includes celeriac and mushrooms, served with a roasted apple and onion compote — this will definitely be featured in our house one night of the eight.

But we’re also house-sitting our friends fleishig deep-fryer, which has been tempting us from the basement for some time now.  True, it would mean forgoing the sour cream — but it just so happens we have a special recipe from our graphic designer Nate Padavick’s wonderful new calendar.  His project, They Draw and Cook, asks artists to submit illustrated recipes — to mouthwatering and eye-pleasing results.  His recipe for May 2012 — Japanese Potato Croquettes, by Masuko Kubo — will be amazing with Grow and Behold Ground Beef — or even better, our ground sausage meat for a flavor boost!

Japanese Potato Croquette
by Masako Kubo

Saute onions in olive oil.  Add 1lbs ground beef or bulk sausage and cook until juices reduce.

Separately, boil peeled potatoes until soft.  Mash.

Mix meat and potatoes and let cool.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

Shape into patties.  Coat in flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs.  Fry in oil at 170F until golden brown.

Anna’s note: Or — if you don’t have a deep fryer or don’t want to deep fry, we suggest pan-frying these tasty beauties in beef bacon fat for an out-of-this-world treat.