• 1 1-5lb slab Grow & Behold Montreal Smoked Meat (Meat will shrink as it steams. Allow .5lb per person if serving steamed; 1/3lb per person if serving without steaming.)
  • Rye bread or baguette
  • Mustard
  • Sour Dill Pickles
  • Red Onions
  • Horseradish Mayo


You Can Serve It As Is….

Our Montreal Smoked Meat Slabs are fully cooked, and can be enjoyed right away without any further cooking. Without the steaming, it won’t get as soft, but if you slice it very thinly (like deli meat), it will make a delicious sandwich.


…But it’s Best Enjoyed Steamed Until Tender!

Montreal Smoked Meat, like Corned Beef, is typically steamed for several hours. This makes the meat tender and brings out the flavor.


To steam your whole slab on the stovetop or in the oven:

Do not slice it first. Put it in a large pot or casserole on a rack with 1/2″ water in it and cover tightly (if you don’t have a rack, crumple up a few balls of tinfoil that it can rest on, so it’s not sitting in the water). Keep in a low oven (300-325) until meat is tender when pressed.

Allow about 1.5hrs per pound. Actual cooking time may vary depending on your oven, container, etc.

If it feels tough or hard to the touch, it’s not done. Take care that the lid is tightly sealed and water does not fully evaporate (you may want to add more when you open it up to check).


To use an electric pressure cooker: 

Use the steamer rack, and put 1/2″-1″ water in the bottom of the pot. Put the meat on the rack, lock the lid (make sure vent is set to ‘sealing’). Steam for about 45 minutes per pound. Actual cooking time may vary depending on your pressure cooker. Let pressure release naturally for 10 minutes, then manually release pressure. If slab is not tender, cook longer.

To Serve

Slice in 1/4″ slices. Typical condiments for a salad include mustard, red onions, pickles and horseradish mayo.