Prepare the Vegetables
Peel the carrots and cut into matchsticks. Wash the parsley and thyme and tie in a bunch with the bay leaves. Peel and finely chop the onion. Wash and finely dice the celery sticks. Rinse the meat and pat dry with kitchen paper.

Heat olive oil in a large heavy bottomed pan. Add the onion, celery and carrots, sprinkle with a little salt and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes.


Brown the meat
Move the vegetables to one side and add the meat and bacon to the pan together with the tied bunch of herbs and a grating of nutmeg. Brown the meat on all sides.


Add liquids
Pour the wine over the veal, turn the heat up high and let it bubble for a couple of minutes. Add the stock.



Transfer to the oven and roast, covered, 1-3 hours until desired doneness. After 1-2 hours, it will be tender but still sliceable; if you leave it longer, you can shred the meat.


To serve

If you like, prepare a pan sauce from the cooking juices: Remove veal and herb bundle from pan. Bring pan juices to a boil over a medium high heat for 7-8 minutes until they are reduced to a thick sauce. You may want to use an immersion blender to puree the vegetables. To up the color in the final presentation, add a handful of frozen peas or some steamed carrots. Season with a generous grinding of black pepper.

Slice the veal, drizzle with the reduced cooking juices, add a grinding of black pepper and serve immediately.


Make ahead: pot roast is much better when made a few days ahead. Allow meat to cool fully submerged in the juices. Slice when cold, then return to the pot with the juices. Cover tightly to reheat.