Here’s a light take on burgers that we absolutely love!

Combine meats, scallions and ginger gently, taking care not to overmix.  Form into patties.  Grill until medium/well done (if you’re using all beef/veal, you can cook to rare, but poultry should be cooked thoroughly).
Serve with Miso Mayo, grilled Bok Choy, avocado, kimchi, lettuce, etc.
To grill Bok Choy: slice lengthwise and toss with olive oil and salt. Grill on both sides until wilted. Remove from heat and toss with a sauce made from chili paste, soy sauce, brown sugar, fresh garlic and sesame oil (quantities to taste).
To make Miso Mayo: combine 2 parts mayonnaise, 1 part red miso paste, 1 part plum vinegar.